Request a Quote
Copy Editing and Proofreading Services
I provide professional editing services at affordable prices.

The Process:

  1. First Contact Me
    Contact me by email or by phone. If by email, I will respond within 24 business hours. Let me know what you want, when you want it by and for whom you are writing the document.

  2. Send Me Your Work
    I will look at your document to see what editing needs to be done. While I work easily in different formats, I prefer MS Word for its excellent editing tools.

  3. The Quote
    Once I’ve had a look at your document/project, I will send you a quote by email. The quote will include:

    1. What kind of editing the document requires;
    2. The length of the document in number of words;
    3. How long it will take me to edit the document and send you the first draft;
    4. After your approval of the first draft, the timeline for the final document to be completed and sent to you;
    5. In what format you will submit your document to me;
    6. What style guides, dictionaries and other resources I will use;
    7. The total cost to you;
    8. Payment methods; and
    9. Other conditions we may agree to.

    If you wish a formal contract rather than the quote and conditions sent by email, I will use the Standard Freelance Editorial Agreement from the Editors’ Association of Canada.

  4. Agreement
    Once you have received the quote and are satisfied with the conditions, I will wait for your agreement for me to begin work on your document. All timelines outlined in the quote begin when I receive your consent to begin work.

  5. The First Draft
    The editing process will be done in MS Word using Word’s Track Changes feature. This will show you any changes made to your document written in a different color. Once I’ve finished the first draft, I will send it to you by email as an attachment. In addition, I will send you my feedback on your document.

  6. The Final Document
    Once you have received the first draft, you can look over your document and either accept the changes or reject the changes. Once you have done this, return the document to me and I will do a second, light edit. Once I have completed the light edit, I will return your final, completed document to you as an email attachment.

  7. Payment
    Terms of payment will have been agreed to with the quote. Generally, I will require payment of half the quote price before I begin work. If any previously unforeseen costs occur during the editing process, I will contact you immediately to let you know what these costs are. Once you have received your final document, I will send you an invoice by email. The invoice also will include applicable taxes. Payment in full is upon receipt of the invoice. Payment can be made by cheque, money order, or email money transfer (preferable). If paying by email money transfer, send the transfer to

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Use the website to obtain a project quote.
I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Well-Written Communications - Editing, Proofreading, Copyediting - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada | Tel: 289-440-8315